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For further information on business-related tax matters

Call us

Telephone opening hours:

Monday: 9-17

Tuesday-Thursday: 9-16

Friday: 9-14

Write to us:

Write to us as a business:

Alternatively, send an email:

Normal response time: 15 days

Our chat is open:

Monday: 9-17

Tuesday-Thursday: 9-16

Friday: 9-14

Our chatbot can help you 24 hours a day.

Call us, write to us or chat with us

Report tax evasion and fraud

If you think that someone is evading tax, is involved in tax fraud or is not declaring income, you can report them to the Danish Tax Agency by calling: (+45) 72 22 28 11. Please note that you can only be anonymous if you hide your number and do not introduce yourself.

Letters to the Tax Agency should be sent to:

Nykøbingvej 76
Bygning 45
4990 Sakskøbing 