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Log on to E-tax for businesses using your personal MitID

As a sole proprietorship or legal representative of a company, you have to use your personal MitID for businesses when you want to log on to E-tax for businesses (TastSelv Erhverv). You log on using your key appwithout entering any keys from your key card. You can use MitID nøgleapp for both smart phones and tablets.

MitID key app is free of charge and you can download it via App Store or Google Play.

  1. Log on to E-tax for businesses (TastSelv Erhverv)
  2. Select the relevant SE no. (VAT no.) or your name
  3. Select  Profil- og kontaktoplysninger (Profile and contact information)
  4. Select Kontakt- og tilmeldingsoplysninger (Contact and registration information)
  5. Select Se og ret dine generelle kontaktoplysninger (See and correct your general contact information)
  6. Enter the name and email address of the contact person
  7. Click Godkend (Accept)

You are now logged on to E-tax for businesses.